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Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists

European Association of Fish Pathologists (Allemagne)

The Bulletin of the EAFP is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes concise papers which merit rapid publication by virtue of their interest in the field of fish pathology.

Manuscripts must be concise, which

The Bulletin of the EAFP is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes concise papers which merit rapid publication by virtue of their interest in the field of fish pathology.

Manuscripts must be concise, which merit rapid publication by virtue of their interest in the field of fish pathology. Preliminary observations or partial studies are acceptable provided they are adequately supported by data and experimental detail. Short reviews, methodology papers and papers which propose alternative hypotheses based on previous data will also be considered. Subjects of interest include infectious diseases of fish and shellfish (e.g. bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal), dignostics, histopathology, host-pathogen interactions, vaccination and immunology, toxicology, therapeutics, welfare, epidemiology, treatments as well as non-infectious disease conditions.

Manuscripts of local interest may be outside the scope of this journal, e.g. descriptions of regional microbial and parasitofauna diversity or (re)descriptions of parasitic species.

Work that has previously been presented and/or published as brief abstracts in proceedings of scientific conferences, symposiums or other meetings are acceptable.

Production animale : multidisciplinaire
Aquaculture et pêches
Libre accès
  • Libre accès total
  • Revue absente dans Sherpa-Romeo
  • Anglais
3 n°/an (Quadrisemestriel)
Types d'articles
Articles de recherche
Articles courts
Articles techniques
Etudes de cas
Frais de publication
Politique d'accès aux données de recherche
Pas de politique
Dernière modification : 19/02/2024

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