INSTAAR - Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (Etats-Unis)
Taylor & Francis (Royaume-Uni)
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research (AAAR) is an international open access journal publishing interdisciplinary research into cold region environments. AAAR seeks to advance understanding of the rapid environmental change
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research (AAAR) is an international open access journal publishing interdisciplinary research into cold region environments. AAAR seeks to advance understanding of the rapid environmental change occurring in cold regions through research into past, present, and future high-latitude and mountain regions. The journal publishes research from a diverse group of international authors from academia, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations.
AAAR covers the following topics:
- Ecology
- Climatology
- Geomorphology
- Glaciology & Cryology
- Hydrology
- Paleosciences (Paleoecology, Palynology, Micropaleontology)
- Oceanography
- Biogeochemistry
- Social science.
Papers may be unidisciplinary or multidisciplinary, but should have interdisciplinary appeal. Special thematic issues and proceedings are encouraged.