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Virus Genes

Springer (Allemagne)

Virus Genes is dedicated to the publication of studies on the structure and function of viruses and their genes, the molecular and systems interactions with the host and all applications derived thereof, providing a forum for the

Virus Genes is dedicated to the publication of studies on the structure and function of viruses and their genes, the molecular and systems interactions with the host and all applications derived thereof, providing a forum for the analysis of data and discussion of its implications, and the development of new hypotheses.
Virus Genes publishes 1) studies on analysis of virus genes, gene products and functions, regulation of virus gene function, cell biology of virus infection, 2) functional studies of genes and gene families, encoded by eukaryotic, prokaryotic and archaeal viruses, viroids, as well as unconventional and novel infectious agents, 3) phylogenetic and evolutionary data from all virus genera and families, 4) systems biology of virus-host interactions, 5) next generation sequencing of complex infectious samples for genomic, transcriptomic, and metagenomic studies, and 6) studies on antivirals affecting specific virus or host gene functions.
Virus Genes does NOT publish purely descriptive studies, e.g., primary sequence data of known viruses based on local sample collections.

Maladies et bioagresseurs
Maladies et agents pathogènes
Santé humaine
Libre accès
  • Libre accès optionnel payant
  • Anglais
Titre abrégé (ISO)
Virus Genes
6 n°/an (Bimestriel)
Types d'articles
Articles de recherche
Articles de synthèse
Articles courts
Frais de publication
Coût du libre accès optionnel
2790 € (mis à jour 22/05/2024)
Politique d'accès aux données de recherche
Dépôt recommandé
Dernière modification : 22/05/2024

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