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Preventive Nutrition and Food Science

KFN - Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition (Corée (République))

Preventive Nutrition and Food Science (PNF) is the official Journal a journal that publishes original scientific work on preventive nutrition for preventing disease and promoting health status, and its related food science and

Preventive Nutrition and Food Science (PNF) is the official Journal a journal that publishes original scientific work on preventive nutrition for preventing disease and promoting health status, and its related food science and biotechnology. The scope of PNF specially covers the preventive effects of nutrients and food components on chronic disease development and modification of their bioactivity by food processing.
The journal will cover the field of nutritional biochemistry, molecular nutrition, functional foods, nutraceuticals, natural bioactive compounds in the area of preventive nutrition, as well as food bioactivity and safety, food microbiology, food chemistry, food packaging etc. and other relevant aspects of nutrients and food components in disease prevention and health promotion.

Science des aliments
Sureté alimentaire
Nutrition humaine
Libre accès
  • Libre accès total
  • Revue absente dans Sherpa-Romeo
  • Anglais
Autres titres
Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
Titre abrégé (ISO)
Prev. Nutr. Food Sci.
4 n°/an (Trimestriel)
Types d'articles
Articles de recherche
Articles de synthèse
Notes de recherche
Frais de publication
Montant des frais de publication
30$ par page pour les membres nationaux, 60$ par page pour les non-membres nationaux, exemption pour les auteurs basés en dehors de la République de Corée (mis à jour 01/01/2022)
Politique d'accès aux données de recherche
Dépôt recommandé
Entrepôts de données recommandés par la revue
Dernière modification : 20/07/2022

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