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International Journal of Fruit Science

Taylor & Francis (Royaume-Uni)

The International Journal of Fruit Science disseminates results of current research that are immediately applicable to the grower, extension agent, and educator in a useful, legitimate, and scientific format. The focus of the
The International Journal of Fruit Science disseminates results of current research that are immediately applicable to the grower, extension agent, and educator in a useful, legitimate, and scientific format. The focus of the journal is on new technologies and innovative approaches to the management and marketing of all types of fruits. It provides practical and fundamental information necessary for the superior growth and quality of fruit crops.
This journal examines fruit growing from a wide range of aspects, including:
- genetics and breeding
- pruning and training
- entomology, plant pathology, and weed science
- physiology and cultural practices
- marketing and economics
- fruit production, harvesting, and postharvest.
Filières végétales
Libre accès
  • Libre accès total
  • DOAJ
  • Anglais
Titre abrégé (ISO)
Int. J. Fruit Sci.
4 n°/an (Trimestriel)
Types d'articles
Articles de recherche
Articles de synthèse
Frais de publication
Montant des frais de publication
1715 Euros (mis à jour 01/01/2021)
Politique d'accès aux données de recherche
Dépôt recommandé
Dernière modification : 01/10/2022

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