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1/1 revue sélectionnée

CYTA - Journal of Food

SOMENTA - Sociedad Mexicana de Nutrición y Tecnología de Alimentos (Mexique)

Taylor & Francis (Royaume-Uni)

CyTA - Journal of Food publishes original peer-reviewed research papers dealing with a wide range of subjects which are essential to the food scientist and technologist. Topics include: chemical analysis of food; additives and

CyTA - Journal of Food publishes original peer-reviewed research papers dealing with a wide range of subjects which are essential to the food scientist and technologist. Topics include: chemical analysis of food; additives and toxins in food; sensory, nutritional and physiological aspects of food; food microbiology and biotechnology; changes during the processing and storage of foods; effect of the use of agrochemicals in foods; quality control in food; and food engineering and technology. Papers focused on other topics related to Nutrition and Food Technology will also be considered.
Publisher's keywords: nutrition, food engineering, food processing, food microbiology, food biotechnology

Science des aliments
Sureté alimentaire
Libre accès
  • Libre accès total
  • DOAJ
  • Anglais
Ancien titre
Ciencia y Tecnologia Alimentaria
Titre abrégé (ISO)
CyTA-J. Food
4 n°/an (Trimestriel)
Types d'articles
Articles de recherche
Articles de synthèse
Articles courts
Frais de publication
Montant des frais de publication
1595 Euros (réduction pour les pays du Sud) (mis à jour 01/01/2022)
Politique d'accès aux données de recherche
Dépôt recommandé
Dernière modification : 21/07/2022

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