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Taylor & Francis (Royaume-Uni)

Taylor & Francis Group publishes books for all levels of academic study and professional development, across a wide range of subjects and disciplines including Humanities, Social Science, Behavioral Science, Law, and the Built

Taylor & Francis Group publishes books for all levels of academic study and professional development, across a wide range of subjects and disciplines including Humanities, Social Science, Behavioral Science, Law, and the Built Environment as well as Natural Science, Technology and Medicine.
We publish Social Science and Humanities books under the Routledge imprint and Science, Technology and Medical books are published by CRC Press. Taylor and Francis Group comprises the imprints Taylor & Francis, Routledge, CRC Press, and associated brands that combine to form one of the world's leading academic publishers.
Taylor & Francis publishes around 7000-8000 books a year (including over 500 open access books and 250 open access chapters) and we have a backlist in excess of 200,000 specialist titles.

Types d'ouvrages
  • Monographies
  • Anglais
  • Scientifique
  • Technique
Formats de diffusion
  • Papier
  • Ebook
Libre accès
  • Oui
Autres noms de l'éditeur
Taylor and Francis
Routledge Imprint and Science, Technology
CRC Press
Informations complémentaires

For books please visit the Routledge and CRC Press website to find information on how to submit a book proposal or help promote an existing publication.

Dernière modification : 25/11/2022

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