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Elsevier (Pays-Bas)

Epidemics publishes papers on infectious disease dynamics in the broadest sense. Its scope covers both within-host dynamics of infectious agents and dynamics at the population level, particularly the interaction between the two.

Epidemics publishes papers on infectious disease dynamics in the broadest sense. Its scope covers both within-host dynamics of infectious agents and dynamics at the population level, particularly the interaction between the two. Areas of emphasis include: spread, transmission, persistence, implications and population dynamics of infectious diseases; population and public health as well as policy aspects of control and prevention; dynamics at the individual level; interaction with the environment, ecology and evolution of infectious diseases, as well as population genetics of infectious agents. The journal will only publish papers that use high quality novel or published data in their analysis. Successful manuscripts are typically multidisciplinary and integrative. Methodological manuscripts are only acceptable if they present a clear and relevant biological application for which novel insight is gained.

Santé publique, santé globale
Microbiologie : multidisciplinaire
Libre accès
  • Libre accès total
  • DOAJ
  • Anglais
Titre abrégé (ISO)
4 n°/an (Trimestriel)
Types d'articles
Articles de recherche
Articles de synthèse
Articles techniques
Frais de publication
Montant des frais de publication
2860 $ (mis à jour 16/11/2023)
Politique d'accès aux données de recherche
Dépôt recommandé
Dernière modification : 16/11/2023

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