Universidade de Brasilia, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentavel (Brésil)
The journal Sustainability in Debate, interdisciplinary, publishes texts on sustainability in its various dimensions, with the goal of creating a direct channel for discussion of topics related to sustainable development,
The journal Sustainability in Debate, interdisciplinary, publishes texts on sustainability in its various dimensions, with the goal of creating a direct channel for discussion of topics related to sustainable development, environmental management, environmental conflicts, the environment condition, environmental governance, among others.
Mission of the Journal Sustainability in Debate: Publish original texts, based on interdisciplinary research, capable of having strong impact on studies conducted in the fields of sustainable development and policies of sustainability on a global scale.
Target Audience: The national and international scientific community, as well as users of knowledge about sustainable development and sustainability policies in government, international agencies, civil society, NGOs and the private sector.
Types of collaboration accepted by the journal Sustainability in Debate : Texts in form of articles and essays with the theme of sustainability in its various dimensions: environmental, social, economic, cultural, institutional and others ; Critical reviews (reviews, bibliographical essays) of literature concerning the journal's subject ; Research notes ; Interviews. It is recommended, in this case, to consult the editors before carrying out the interview.