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Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research

INIA - Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (Spain)

The main aim of SJAR is to publish papers that report research findings on the following topics: agricultural economics; agricultural engineering; agricultural environment and ecology; animal breeding, genetics and reproduction;

The main aim of SJAR is to publish papers that report research findings on the following topics: agricultural economics; agricultural engineering; agricultural environment and ecology; animal breeding, genetics and reproduction; animal health and welfare; animal production; plant breeding, genetics and genetic resources; plant physiology; plant production (field and horticultural crops); plant protection; soil science; and water management. SJAR is not publishing articles whose topic is "food science and technology". Articles on local research will only be publishable if they show methodological innovation or results that can be extrapolated to other area.
The SJAR is a quarterly international journal that accepts research articles, reviews and short communications of content related to agriculture. Research articles and short communications must report original work not previously published in any language and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Agriculture: multidiscip.
Plant production: multidiscip.
Open access
Publication languages
  • English
Journal reputation
Other titles
Former title
Investigación Agraria
Abbreviated title (ISO)
Span. J. Agric. Res.
4 issues/year (Quarterly)
Article types
Research articles
Short articles
Publishing costs
Research data access policy
Deposit recommended
Last updated : 20/07/2022

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