Cell Press (United States)
Elsevier (Netherlands)
Trends in Microbiology provides a multidisciplinary forum for the discussion of all aspects of microbiology: from cell biology and immunology to genetics and evolution, and ranges across virology, bacteriology, protozoology and
Trends in Microbiology provides a multidisciplinary forum for the discussion of all aspects of microbiology: from cell biology and immunology to genetics and evolution, and ranges across virology, bacteriology, protozoology and mycology. The focus is on molecular microbiology and virology, and includes topics such as genomics, plant and animal host-pathogen interactions, host immune responses, characterization and evolution of virulence determinants, cell cycle and differentiation, symbiosis in plant and animal associations, environmental microbiology, biodiversity and evolution, population dynamics, sex and mutagenesis, antibiotic resistance and production, drug and vaccine targets, as well as aspects of prion diseases and of fungal and protozoan biology.
Articles for Trends in Microbiology are generally commissioned by the Editor. However, if you are interested in suggesting an article to the Editor for consideration please use our Pre-submission Enquiry Form.
Types of papers include: Science & Society articles designed to highlight recent advances in a particular research field, providing insight on the implications of the new developments as well as future perspectives and directions.
- Author-paid optional open access
- English