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International Journal of Sustainable Development

Inderscience (United Kingdom)

The journal is a forum for publication of refereed scientific work, of an interdisciplinary character, at the interface of science, technology, policy and society. The objectives of IJSD are to establish an effective channel of

The journal is a forum for publication of refereed scientific work, of an interdisciplinary character, at the interface of science, technology, policy and society. The objectives of IJSD are to establish an effective channel of communication between pace-makers, government agencies, academics and research institutions, and professionals working in the field, and to provide a forum for them to disseminate information and to learn from each other's work. The international dimension is emphasised in order to overcome cultural and national barriers and to meet the needs of accelerating technological change and changes in the global economy. Subject coverage: Review and assessment of policies ; Strategy for policy making ; Environment and sustainable development ; Ecology and sustainability ; Social aspects of sustainability ; Economic dimensions of sustainability ; Political dimensions of sustainability ; Economic, social and natural resources issues ; Control, regulations and policy ; Future visions and scenarios.

Development economics
Environment, sustainability: multidiscip.
Ecology: multidisciplinary
Open access
  • Author-paid optional open access
Publication languages
  • English
Journal reputation
Other titles
4 issues/year (Quarterly)
Additional information

Embargo : 6 months after publication the authors can post the Accepted Manuscript on institutional repositories and/or subject repositories.

Article types
Research articles
Special issues
Publishing costs
Cost of optional open access
3000 $ (updated 18/12/2023)
Research data access policy
No policy
Last updated : 18/12/2023

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