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Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space

SAGE Publishing (Etats-Unis)

Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space is an international journal of critical, heterodox, and interdisciplinary research into the relations between the political and the spatial. It advances debates on the spatialization

Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space is an international journal of critical, heterodox, and interdisciplinary research into the relations between the political and the spatial. It advances debates on the spatialization of politics and the politicization of spatial relations. The journal welcomes original contributions that integrate empirical and theoretical analyses to engage, advance, challenge, and reframe debates about the political.

Politics and Space values a wide range of critical and radical perspectives and encourages new theorizations, novel methodologies, and decentring ontologies. This is a global journal that supports and welcomes scholarship produced from and about all regions of the world. It encourages scholarship that engages marginalized and oppressed standpoints and critically engages hegemonic forms of power. The journal aims to push the boundaries and potential of research on the political and the spatial by exploring questions including: What is the status of the political in such research? How does thinking politics spatially help us understand pressing contemporary concerns in the world? And how can or should researchers act politically through their scholarship?

The editors welcome empirically-oriented contributions as well as work that is more conceptual. The substantive scope of Politics and Space extends from urban politics to the politics of international institutions; from political economies of development and empire to political geographies of mobilities and identities; from geopolitics to the governance of environmental crises; and from the spatialities of states and sovereign power to the geographies of social justice. Papers should advance knowledge on the intersection of the spatial and the political in any area of the social sciences or humanities

Macro-économie et politique
Sociologie., anthropol., ethnol.
Libre accès
  • Libre accès optionnel payant
  • Anglais
Ancien titre
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy
Titre abrégé (ISO)
Env. Plan. C-Polit. Space
8 n°/an
Types d'articles
Articles de recherche
Numéros thématiques
Comptes rendus de conférences
Frais de publication
Coût du libre accès optionnel
3250 dollars (mis à jour 05/09/2023)
Politique d'accès aux données de recherche
Pas de politique
Dernière modification : 05/09/2023

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