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1/1 revue sélectionnée

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Wiley (Etats-Unis)

An international journal that aims to cover research into the development and analysis of new methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations, it is intended that it be readily readable by and directed to a
An international journal that aims to cover research into the development and analysis of new methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations, it is intended that it be readily readable by and directed to a broad spectrum of researchers into numerical methods for partial differential equations throughout science and engineering. The numerical methods and techniques themselves are emphasized rather than the specific applications. The Journal seeks to be interdisciplinary, while retaining the common thread of applied numerical analysis.
Mathématiques, informatique
Libre accès
  • Libre accès optionnel payant
  • Anglais
Titre abrégé (ISO)
Numer. Meth. Part Differ. Equ.
6 n°/an (Bimestriel)
Types d'articles
Articles de recherche
Frais de publication
Coût du libre accès optionnel
2750 Euros (mis à jour 01/01/2022)
Politique d'accès aux données de recherche
Dépôt recommandé
Dernière modification : 01/10/2022

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