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Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology

TMU - Tarbiat Modares University-Faculty of Agriculture (Iran)

Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (JAST) is an international research journal published for the purpose of advancing the scientific studies. The subjects covered by JAST include all aspects of agriculture and natural

Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (JAST) is an international research journal published for the purpose of advancing the scientific studies. The subjects covered by JAST include all aspects of agriculture and natural resources. The journal will consider submissions from all over the world, on research works not being published or submitted for publication towards publication as full paper, review article and research note. The Papers are published in English with an extra abstract in Farsi language. JAST is published by the University of Tarbiat Modares.

Agriculture : multidiscip.
Libre accès
  • Libre accès total
  • Revue absente dans Sherpa-Romeo
  • Anglais
Autres titres
Titre abrégé (ISO)
J. Agric. Sci. Technol.
4 n°/an (Trimestriel)
Types d'articles
Articles de recherche
Articles de synthèse
Notes de recherche
Frais de publication
Politique d'accès aux données de recherche
Pas de politique
Dernière modification : 01/10/2022

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