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1/1 revue sélectionnée

Plant Genetic Resources

NIAB - National Institute of Agricultural Botany (Royaume-Uni)

CUP - Cambridge University Press (Royaume-Uni)

It is an international journal that brings together the many diverse topics concerned with plant genetic resources.
It provides a forum for describing the application of novel genomic technologies, as well as their integration

It is an international journal that brings together the many diverse topics concerned with plant genetic resources.
It provides a forum for describing the application of novel genomic technologies, as well as their integration with established techniques, towards the understanding of the genetic variation captured in both in situ and ex situ collections of crop and non-crop plants; and for the airing of wider issues relevant to plant germplasm conservation and utilisation.
Each issue gives you access to peer-reviewed research papers on genetic variation in plants, both crop and non-crop, as well as on the technical, socio-economic, legal and geo-political aspects of PGR. Many papers feature research directed to endangered non-crop and medicinal plants. The journal is of interest to researchers and scientists involved in the plant genetic resources community, including: breeders, all those with an interest in germplasm, policy makers, consultants and research students.

Sciences et sociétés, éthique
Génétique végétale
Libre accès
  • Libre accès optionnel payant
  • Anglais
Autres titres
Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization
Titre abrégé (ISO)
Plant Genet. Resour.-Charact. Util.
6 n°/an (Bimestriel)
Informations complémentaires

Texte intégral accessible sur le site BioOne.

Types d'articles
Articles de recherche
Articles courts
Frais de publication
Coût du libre accès optionnel
3255$. Pour les Ciradiens, aucun coût à payer suite à un accord national pour la période 2023-2025 ( (mis à jour 07/06/2024)
Politique d'accès aux données de recherche
Dépôt recommandé
Dernière modification : 07/06/2024

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