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Livestock Science

Elsevier (Netherlands)

Livestock Science promotes the sound development of the livestock sector by publishing original, peer-reviewed research and review articles covering all aspects of this broad field. The journal welcomes submissions on the

Livestock Science promotes the sound development of the livestock sector by publishing original, peer-reviewed research and review articles covering all aspects of this broad field. The journal welcomes submissions on the avant-garde areas of genetic resources, tropical livestock farming, welfare, ethics and behaviour, in addition to those on genetics, breeding, growth, reproduction, nutrition, management, health, production, systems, and so on. The high-quality content of this journal reflects the truly international nature of this broad area of research.

Livestock prod., supply chains: multidiscip.
Zootechnics, farming systems
Animal health: multidiscip.
Open access
  • Author-paid optional open access
Publication languages
  • English
Journal reputation
Former title
Livestock Production Science
Abbreviated title (ISO)
Livest. Sci.
20 issues/year
Additional information

Embargo : 12 mois après publication de l'article, la version post-print peut être déposée sur une archive ouverte (ex : Agritrop).

Article types
Research articles
Book analyses
Short articles
Special issues
Technical articles
Publishing costs
Cost of optional open access
2680 $ (updated 01/01/2022)
Research data access policy
Deposit recommended
Last updated : 03/01/2023

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