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Agronomy for Sustainable Development

INRAE - Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (France)

Springer (Germany)

Agronomy for Sustainable Development (ASD) publishes original experimental, empirical and theoretical research articles, review articles and meta-analyses leading to enhanced sustainability for agricultural and food systems. The

Agronomy for Sustainable Development (ASD) publishes original experimental, empirical and theoretical research articles, review articles and meta-analyses leading to enhanced sustainability for agricultural and food systems. The journal’s objective is to interface agronomy, cropping and farming system researches with ecological, genetic, environmental, economic or social sciences. ASD promotes agroecology studies, participatory research and interdisciplinary approaches. It seeks to publish articles focusing on systems approaches, applied at field, farm, landscape, food systems and global levels. ASD subject areas include:

  • Impacts of global environmental changes on agro-ecosystems (including agroforestry)
  • Management of ecosystem services in agricultural settings
  • Environmental impacts of agriculture
  • Transition to sustainable food systems
  • Innovative cropping, livestock and farming systems
  • Sustainability assessment and design of agricultural systems and decision support tools.

Research articles should demonstrate a clear scientific breakthrough versus current knowledge, and should be discussed in an international context. Review articles should report a critical evaluation of emerging topics. Opinion papers can also be submitted as reviews. Meta-analysis articles should clearly contribute to answering a widely debated scientific question.

Agriculture: multidiscip.
Cropping systems
Crop protection: multidiscip.
Food safety
Environment, sustainability: multidiscip.
Climate and environmental change
Open access
  • Author-paid optional open access
Publication languages
  • English
Journal reputation
Other titles
Former title
Abbreviated title (ISO)
Agron. Sustain. Dev.
6 issues/year (Bi-monthly)
Additional information

Accès aux articles : après un embargo de 12 mois, ASD met en libre accès le fichier .pdf de la version finale éditeur (final Publisher Version, Version of Record) des articles publiés depuis 2005 dans l'archive ouverte national HAL à Les articles plus anciens (1981-2004) sont accessibles à

Article types
Research articles
Special issues
Publishing costs
Cost of optional open access
2345 € (updated 29/04/2024)
Research data access policy
Deposit recommended
Data repositories recommended by the journal
Last updated : 29/04/2024

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