IPS - International Palm Society (United States)
PALMS is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality articles on the biology, natural history,
horticulture, ethnobotany and human cultural aspects of the palm family. Due to the broad readership of
PALMS, authors are
PALMS is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality articles on the biology, natural history,
horticulture, ethnobotany and human cultural aspects of the palm family. Due to the broad readership of
PALMS, authors are encouraged to communicate their work in an accessible style and to illustrate their
work with photographs and other figures. Manuscripts must be written in English and must not be under
consideration or have been published elsewhere.
The journal includes two main article types – 1) standard articles and 2) palm profiles. Standard articles have
no formal word limit, but articles exceeding 5000 words (including references) should be discussed with the
Editors before submission. Palm profiles are short communications, generally photo oriented, with a
succinct text (up to ca. 500 words) that documents a particular species or observation.
- No open access
- Missing journal in Sherpa-Romeo
- English
- Peer-reviewed without IF, without SJR