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1/1 revue sélectionnée

African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

AAAE - African Association of Agricultural Economists (Kenya)

The journal aims to publish original research about how African agriculture interacts with local and global economic systems and policy regimes in its impacts upon people. The scope of the journal covers the roles of markets,

The journal aims to publish original research about how African agriculture interacts with local and global economic systems and policy regimes in its impacts upon people. The scope of the journal covers the roles of markets, technology, policy, institutions and the natural environment in shaping the lives and wellbeing of Africans engaged in agricultural activities. The journal strives to nurture and enhance the capacity of African professionals to conduct and publish scientific research and provides a venue for communicating and disseminating their findings. Multi-disciplinary, problem-oriented articles are encouraged. Submissions may deal with teaching, research extension, consulting, advising, entrepreneurship and administration. The Chief Editors and Editorial Board, under the general direction of the AAAE President, Executive Committee and Council are charged with implementing Journal policy to serve members of AAAE.
The main section of the journal publishes technical research articles while a small section is devoted to publishing brief notes with important policy content and book reviews. The journal is published twice per year.

Macro-économie et politique
Economie du développement
Libre accès
  • Libre accès total
  • Revue absente dans Sherpa-Romeo
  • Anglais
  • Français
Autres titres
Journal Africain d'Économie Agricole et des Ressources
Titre abrégé (ISO)
Afr. j. agric. resour. econom.
4 n°/an (Trimestriel)
Types d'articles
Articles de recherche
Analyses d'ouvrages
Articles techniques
Notes de recherche
Frais de publication
Montant des frais de publication
No publication fees or page charges. However, authors will be required to become members of the AAAE by paying 110$ for 3 years (55$ for students) (mis à jour 07/12/2023)
Politique d'accès aux données de recherche
Pas de politique
Dernière modification : 07/12/2023

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